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REVEALED: The nEW Identity Shifting Secret That Unlocks The 2.0 You
 REVEALED: The New Identity Shifting Secret That Unlocks The 2.0 You

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creating the 2.0 of you

Want To Shift Your Identity & Change For Good?
Click below to become your 2.0 self starting today...

creating the 2.0 of you

Want To Shift Your Identity & Change For Good?
Click below to become your 2.0 self starting today...

Looking for answers?

frequently asked questions
  How do I know this will work for me?
That's a fantastic question. Short (honest) answer... we don't! That's exactly why we ask to speak with you before enrolling.
  Is Metamorphic all online?
Yes, but think of Metamorphic as the cooler cousin of the typical online course. We're digital, so you can shift from anywhere. Yet, we don’t just toss a bunch of videos your way and vanish with a cheeky "good luck." With us, you score not one, but two top-tier coaches. One's your weekly success sidekick, and the other? A master-level Inner Shadow shifter you'll get breakthroughs with in week three. Trust us, you're in great hands throughout your whole 2.0 journey. 
  How much does this cost?
All these details we will go over on the call. The reason we do it this way is to make sure we can actually help you in the first place. We don't just let everyone into our coaching program. We only invite people in who are coachable, cool, and ready to radically change their life ASAP!
  Can this program help with Relationships, Breakups, etc?
Yep. That's one of our most common areas we help people with. Whether it's letting go of a breakup or divorce OR attracting the right person by becoming the right person... these are issues that we can definitely help you with.
  Am I too old for this?
We work with clients of all ages. One of our clients, Melissa, said "Boy! I wish I woulda had your program 30-years ago!" If anything, we'd say some of our clients who get the BEST results are 50+! We believe you're never too old and it's never too late to reinvent yourself! So if you're ready to make the rest of your life the best of your life... let's chat!
  Is this a video call?
Up to you! We do these calls over zoom, so most people prefer video. But feel free to keep your camera switched off if you feel more comfortable that way. 
   Are these calls recorded?
Yep! We record all calls for training and quality assurance. Just like athletes review game tapes, we review our calls to make sure the team is always bringing our A-game for you. 
  Do I actually get to speak with Clark on this free call?
Clark now only works directly with coaching clients. Not to worry though, you're in good hands with an enrollment coach. Clark has trained coaches who are masters at getting to the root of your core issue.
  Can I join the program on the call?
We're all about a win-win. Our first goal is to see if we can genuinely help you. If we can't, we'll guide you to free resources that can. If we can, you'll get an invitation to join Metamorphic and kick off your transformation. Either way, you gain something valuable.
  Why the call? Can I enroll online?
The call ensures we're the right fit—both ways. Not to mention, we want to hear about you and see if we can genuinely help your situation! Metamorphic is more than just a program; it's a curated community of driven changemakers. We don't just let anyone in. Our group thrives on proactive learners, not passive watchers. 
  When does Metamorphic start?
You can kick off right after being accepted post-coaching call. Heads up: spots can fill up quickly! If you're ready for a change, we suggest applying pronto.
  How long does this coaching program take?
Metamorphic spans six weeks, with an extended 10-week support cushion. Even after that, you remain part of our community and retain content access—no sudden goodbyes here! 🙌

Typically, clients invest 2-5 hours weekly. We find that's roughly the same time you'd devote to books or podcasts or self-improvement youtube vids. We're just redirecting it to this program to ensure you're not cramming more into your schedule!
Welcome to Clark Kegley's Metamorphic Coaching Program. This is the official page for the Metamorphic Identity Shifting Program with Clark Kegley. This Metamorphic coaching program and site is also affiliated with the Clark Kegley Brand, Clark Kegley Reviews, Metamorphic Reviews, & Refusing to Settle LLC.

© 2024 Refusing to Settle, LLC